
Spring is Fleeting… and so is Life! | Seattle Family Photographer | James Thomas Long Photography

I was out running along the Snoqualmie Valley Trail recently and was struck by how much of a transformation the landscape had undergone in such a short amount of time. It truly is amazing how much can change in just a few weeks. Landscapes can transform from dramatic, still, leafless Wintry scenes to the vibrant green of Spring, bustling with life… Each season just as fleeting as the next, with no two days (or moments!) exactly the same. Nothing is static. Everything is always in a state of constant flux. It reminded me of how fleeting life is too and if you have kids, you know this especially well… They grow up so, so fast! It feels like time accelerates from the moment they are born. Turn around and suddenly they are no longer your little babies anymore… They’re bigger, more grown up, more independent… Turn around again and they are headed off to college… Seriously, where did all the time go? It seems like only yesterday you could carry them in your arms for hours on end because they were so small… Yesterday they wanted you to carry them in your arms…

Don’t wait! Capture the wonderful connections and the love you share as a family today, while they’re as small as they are right now. Tomorrow begins a new Season, but today it is still Spring.

I still have some availability in June and July – feel free to reach out at (415-567-4979). I’d be happy to chat and answer any questions you have. I guarantee you will absolutely love the images! And there is hardly a more beautiful time of year than Spring in the Pacific Northwest!

My daughter skipping along the Snoqualmie Valley Trail – it is SO green! She’s growing up so fast too – I can hardly believe my eyes! My inspiration. Always.


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