
Seattle WA Wedding Photographer | James Thomas Long Photography | Engagement Season!

Spring is slowly creeping up on Seattle and the Pacific Northwest, which of course can mean only one thing… engagement season is here! 😉 It is that time of year when everything becomes punctuated by a fresh coat of green and the smell of blossoms, leaves, and freshly cut grass permeate the air. And with wedding season (and tourist season) still a few months away, now is the perfect time for your engagement session! As a wedding photographer who loves photographing couples in nature, I always love the very beginning of Spring – perhaps more than any other time of year. It is that anticipation of what is to come, just like the moment before the kiss… It is that bud or spark from which life brews forth. Wait too long and the wild grass soon becomes a waist-deep jungle. But catch it early and that wild grass is a subtle, delicate layer of green, full of possibility, while the trees have blossoms and buds, hinting at what is to come.

So, to celebrate the arrival of Spring, I thought I would post a few images from past engagement shoots, a trip down memory lane at just a few of so so many highlights over the years. I found myself wanting to add more and more images… Seriously, I can’t believe how many engagement sessions I’ve done as a wedding photographer so far! It has been an incredible journey and I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many amazing couples. It really has been so much fun, as all of these couples can attest. We have an incredible time out there! Laughing, exploring, celebrating, and just completely nailing the shots – it’s all in an afternoon’s work! I look forward to more adventures photographing weddings and engagements here in the beautiful Seattle WA area!

Feel free to peruse more of my work on my blog and website at:



And of course, don’t be afraid to reach out at: james@jamesthomaslong.com or 415.567.4979. I look forward to hearing from you!Seattle WA Wedding Photographer James Thomas Long PhotographyAnd yes, they are more fun than you can possibly imagine! The possibilities are literally endless!

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