What an amazing wedding season it has been this year! Full of awesome couples and plenty of spectacular moments, I simply can’t wait to show them all to you! Today, I’m very excited to show part I of Aimee & Ryan’s gorgeous South San Francisco Wedding. The unique architecture of the All Souls Catholic Church in South San Francisco created a dramatic setting for a beautiful wedding ceremony. And then (as you’ll see in Part II coming up), it was off to the Peninsula Golf & Country Club in San Mateo for some beautiful images of the couple and bridal party and of course, the big celebration!
Thank you Aimee & Ryan (and your families too!) You were awesome to work with and we had such a wonderful time capturing your special day! So much to show you that we had to split it into two posts!! For now, enjoy Part I! Congratulations you two!!!
Had to start with this one – taken at the Peninsula Golf & Country Club. The father of the bride really wanted a shot of his daughter wearing her gown in the bride’s prep room. She looks stunning in her gown, doesn’t she!!And her gorgeous Jimmy Choo’s…!!
Aimee’s parents have quite the collection of these miniature figurines… can you find the rings??!!
Meanwhile the guys were getting ready in their own fashion…!
And here’s a peak at what’s coming next…!
The 1st image of the bride looking in the mirror is jaw dropping gorgeous.