
San Jose CA Bay Area Baby & Family Photographer: 11 Month Baby Boy!!

Wow, what a super cute little guy this one is! I think it’s those eyes, cheeks, the way his brows arch up – yep, he’s the full package for sure and just full of smiles and cute expressions too! Booking their session on a referral from some very special clients of mine, this family came all the way from Vancouver, BC… just for these photographs! Just kidding, they were visiting friends and family too.  🙂  Why not capitalize on some of that warm California sun while you’re here!!

Thank you V family for the awesome session! It was a pleasure working with you and your little guy is just adorable! There are so many beautiful images from the session – I can’t wait to show the rest! Enjoy your sneak peek!

I LOVE those eyes!!!
undefinedHe had a blast standing up and walking with Mom & Dad!undefinedThere’s that brow arch! So cute!undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedI love this one – one of my faves for sure!undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedMelt!undefinedWait, you mean I can’t eat these leaves?undefinedThis is what family is all about – just look at those big grins! You can see in Mom’s expression here how much her little guy lights up her world! I think this is something that you have to be a parent to fully appreciate – just how much we love to see our children smile! And I get to capture that for a living! Yep, I love my job!undefinedundefinedundefinedWhat a beautiful family!undefined

  1. Bernadette Van Winckel says:

    These are very nice photos, James! I love the different expressions on Joshua’s face! Thank you for taking our photos. Can’t wait to see the rest of it! 🙂

  2. James says:

    Thanks Bernadette! 🙂

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