It has been (and continues to be!) a very busy summer for me! I photographed this adorable little one and her lovely family for her 1st birthday party way back in April. Now she’s 16 months old and much faster on those little legs, that is for sure! Her first birthday was held in Dublin. This time, we all ventured to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park for a bit of nature and then it was off to Baker Beach for views of the Golden Gate Bridge. This time of year, Golden Gate Park is one of the greenest spots you can visit. I should know – I used to run through there all the time and can recall getting hit by stray bursts of water coming from random well-hidden sprinklers. They water just about everything there (which is really quite a staggering amount of water when you realize that the park is about 4 miles long!). As awesome as the green grass and tall trees were, it was the really the adorable baby girl that you are about to see that really stole the show!
Thank you D family for another amazing session! It has been such a pleasure capturing your wonderful family and sweet baby girl! Enjoy your sneak peek and much more to come!
I love her look and her outfit too! Great colors!She loved to pick and hold flowers!
Aww, she’s giving a flower to her Mom!