I love outdoor Spring sessions! With the rain we had not so long ago, everything is turning green and in full bloom. It’s one of my favorite times of the year for outdoor photographs.
For this session, we ventured to a nice little park on the Peninsula. It has been about a year since I last saw this little guy and his family. It had been for his newborn session when he was just around a week or so old. He looks so different now that he’s just turned one! That first year is really quite amazing – they change so much! Now he’s quickly becoming a toddler on the move. And he loves to tackle, I mean hug, his big sister! 🙂 Look out Mom & Dad – here he comes!
Thank you all for another wonderful session! It was so much fun to visit the park with you and photograph your beautiful family. Enjoy your sneak peek and there’s much more to come!
Look out!
I love this image and especially that little foot in the air!
Super cute!
And there goes the hat…!