
Peninsula San Francisco Bay Area Family Photographer | Family of Five!

I’m so excited to post another session this week. This one features a lovely family of five at one of so many beautiful parks in the San Francisco Bay Area. With little sister just turning 1 year old, we decided to start with some family photographs and end with some cake smash fun! And let me tell you, these three are a lot of fun! It was pretty much non-stop – laughing, running, talking about Ninjago and ninjas… And some beautiful images in-between, of course!

Thank you all for the wonderful session! I had such a great time (and a good workout!) and I’ve got a lot more to show you too! 🙂 For now, enjoy the sneak peek!

This may very well be my favorite image from the session – absolutely adorable!
Had to show another from this set, cropped to make a nice long wall image too. Yeah, my big brother can get pretty silly! Just look at the faces he’s making now! Too cute!And then it was time for the finale…I love it!And the carnage…!

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