
Castro Valley East Bay Baby & Family Photographer: 9 Month Baby Girl!!

It was a crowded weekend afternoon at Lake Chabot Regional Park in Castro Valley when I met this absolutely adorable 9.5 month baby girl and her family for her pre-birthday party photoshoot! Mom picked out some fabulous outfits for her and even brought a basket with balloons, which of course we had to use! And while crowds can certainly create some new challenges for photographers (and their subjects alike!), there are always great spots to be found (if you know how to look!) and once we got going… well, I’ll just let the images speak for themselves!!

Thank you J family for the amazing session! You have a beautiful baby girl and together you make such a wonderful family! I can’t wait to photograph her first birthday party coming up! And of course, I can’t wait to show you the rest of your images from this session too – much more to come! For now, enjoy your sneak peek at a few of my favorites!

Perhaps we used a few too many balloons for this one…?! 😉

Super cute for sure!!!undefinedI love these with Mom!!undefinedundefinedThis has to be another fave!!undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefined

  1. Christina says:

    thank you so much, james! the photos are beautiful! i’m surprised by all the great shots you were able to get….especially since she was soooo fussy practically the whole session! shows your true skills in working with children. it makes me even more excited to see the rest! thanks again, james!!! 😀

  2. James says:

    You are very welcome Christina! Thank you for the comment! 🙂

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