
Oceano Hotel Half Moon Bay Wedding Photographer: Emily & Ryan Part II

Here it is! Part II of Emily & Ryan’s beautiful Oceano Hotel & Spa wedding features a few of the many highlights following their beach wedding ceremony – highlights that continued well into the night! And let me just say that this was such a fun crowd to work with! So full of energy on that dance floor – which is exactly what we love to see!! Full of exciting dance performances by Emily’s comedy group and tender moments as well when the newly married couple took their first dance, it was a the perfect way to celebrate an absolutely fabulous wedding for a wonderful couple!

Thank you again Emily & Ryan for inviting us to create these images of your special day! You both rock and we a blast working with you!

A special thank you also goes to Nancy Nerhan, the special events coordinator at the Ocean Hotel & Spa who does an amazing job, even taking us out to a beautiful nearby beach so that we could run out and get some photographs of Emily & Ryan as the sun was setting. Thank you!

Don’t forget to check out Part I, their Union Square Day Before Shoot, and their Engagement Session too!
undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedI love how they decorated the cake area.undefinedAnd these pinwheels seen throughout the reception decor were all done by hand by Emily and her friends and family. I love it!undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedI love this one – one of my favorites of the whole day!undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedI love photographing comedy groups!!undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefined

  1. Tina A says:

    You captured the FUN of the reception so well :o)

  2. Amanda E. says:

    The black and white photograph of the little girl dancing by herself is so beautiful!

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