
San Francisco Bay Area Wedding Photographer: The Engagement Ceremony of Sunny & Vaneet!

This is such an exciting time! Wedding season has been in full swing and there will be plenty of posts in the weeks and months to come. Today it is all about Sanjeet (Sunny) & Vaneet and their beautiful engagement ceremony! Full of celebration, incredibly rich color, and of course an absolutely stunning couple, we had a blast capturing so many amazing moments that night – and of course witnessing these two get formally engaged in front of family and friends! Truly a night to remember and there are so many more images to show! Congratulations Sunny & Vaneet! It was a blast working with you and your families and we can’t wait to photograph your wedding next Spring!!

Enjoy your sneak peek at a few of our favorites!

undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedThe groom to be and his family making their entrance into the ceremony hall bearing gifts, greated by the bride’s parents and family.undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedVaneet made a second entrance into the ceremony, this time with her sisters and cousins for her Chunni ceremony where they will adorn her with jewelry and gifts.undefinedundefinedundefinedAnd then it was time to celebrate!!!undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefined

  1. Vaneet Cheema says:

    OMGGG! James, you are freaking amazing! I love love LOVE the way you captured all the special moments of our engagement. The pictures are so colorful and festive…YOU ARE THE BEST! 🙂

  2. James says:

    Thanks so much Vaneet! Can’t wait to work with you both again soon!!!

  3. Sunny Bains says:

    Thank you again, James! Love the photos. Great Job!!

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